Experimental and numerical study on the indentation behavior of TBM disc cutter on hard-rock precutting kerfs by high-pressure abrasive water jet | Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Experimental and numerical study on the indentation behavior of TBM disc cutter on hard-rock precutting kerfs by high-pressure abrasive water jet | Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Experimental and numerical study on the indentation behavior of TBM disc cutter on hard-rock precutting kerfs by high-pressure abrasive water jet | Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering,Well-Dispersed CoNiO2 Nanosheet/CoNi Nanocrystal Arrays Anchored onto Monolayer MXene for Superior Electromagnetic Absorption at Low Frequencies,MXene-CNTs/Co dielectric-electromagnetic synergistic composites with multi-heterogeneous interfaces for microwave absorption - ScienceDirect,FTO-mediated DSP m6A demethylation promotes an aggressive subtype of growth hormone-secreting pituitary neuroendocrine tumors | Molecular Cancer | Full Text,Journal of Applied Polymer Science | Wiley Online Library