Discovery of the Late Jurassic peraluminous rhyolites and tonalite porphyrites in the Tuquan area along the western margin of the Songliao Basin: Geological records from closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean to continental
Discovery of the Late Jurassic peraluminous rhyolites and tonalite porphyrites in the Tuquan area along the western margin of the Songliao Basin: Geological records from closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean to continental
Discovery of the Late Jurassic peraluminous rhyolites and tonalite porphyrites in the Tuquan area along the western margin of the Songliao Basin: Geological records from closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean to continental,锆石轻稀土富集与Hf同位素异常成因:以滇西卓潘碱性杂岩体为例,锆石轻稀土富集与Hf同位素异常成因:以滇西卓潘碱性杂岩体为例, 影音天地,自生黏土矿物对深水致密砂岩储层微观非均质性的影响——以鄂尔多斯盆地西南部合水地区长6油层组为例