Amazon.com: Brook Wingman NS converter- Support Xb Series X/S/One/360, PS5/PS4/PS3, Xb Elite 1/2, Switch Pro Controllers on Switch and PC(X-Input) Console, Consoles Adapter, Support Turbo and Remap,

Amazon.com: Mcbazel Brook Wingman XE2 Converter for Xbox Series X&S/Xbox One/Elite 2/ PS5/ PS4/ PS3/ Switch Controllers to Switch/ PS4/ PS3 Console/PC ,

Brook Wingman PS2 Starry Blue Converter - Special Retro Consoles Converter for XB Series X|S, One, 360, Elite 1&2 and PS5/PS4/PS3, Switch Pro ,

Brook Wingman XE2 Multi-Console to PS3/PS4/PS5*/Switch Converter - Focus Attack,

Wingman XB 3 - Brook - Stone Age Gamer