Exciton and Trion at the Perimeter and Grain Boundary of CVD-Grown Monolayer MoS2: Strain Effects Influencing Application in Nano-Optoelectronics | ACS Applied Nano Materials
Exciton and Trion at the Perimeter and Grain Boundary of CVD-Grown Monolayer MoS2: Strain Effects Influencing Application in Nano-Optoelectronics | ACS Applied Nano Materials
Exciton and Trion at the Perimeter and Grain Boundary of CVD-Grown Monolayer MoS2: Strain Effects Influencing Application in Nano-Optoelectronics | ACS Applied Nano Materials,High-entropy materials for thermoelectric applications: towards performance and reliability - Materials Horizons (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D3MH02181E,Thermoelectric enhancement in A-site deficient high-entropy perovskite (Sr0.25Ca0.25La0.25Ba0.25)1-xTiO3±δ ceramics by fine manipulating cation vacancies - ScienceDirect,Regulatory polymorphisms modulate the expression of HLA class II molecules and promote autoimmunity | eLife,Regulatory polymorphisms modulate the expression of HLA class II molecules and promote autoimmunity | eLife