This is a Hisense 50-inch TV purchased in 2019. It is in as good condition as new.💥💥 we have free delivery welecom to all people
This is a Hisense 50-inch TV purchased in 2019. It is in as good condition as new.💥💥 we have free delivery welecom to all people,This is a Hisense 50-inch TV purchased in 2019. It is in as good condition as new.💥💥 we have free delivery welecom to all people,掘込引手 PC-359 (PC-359-XC) | Products | KAWAJUN Global Hardware,早い者勝ち❗️ ハイセンス 32型液晶テレビ 2020年製,製品情報ダウンロード|コイズミ照明株式会社