Cyclemax Full Synthetic Oil Change Kit compatible with 2023 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-4RR ZX400 : Automotive Cyclemax Full Synthetic Oil Change Kit compatible with 2023 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-4RR ZX400 : Automotive,KAWASAKI ZEPHYR | Webike News,ZX400R-6 | 石灰石・砕石特別強化仕様機シリーズ | 採石 |業種から探す | 商品情報 | 日立建機日本,ZX400R-6 | 石灰石・砕石特別強化仕様機シリーズ | 採石 |業種から探す | 商品情報 | 日立建機日本,Set to close 1st for Iconic Tuesday begs the question: what do you have planned for it? It's a 1989 Kawasaki ZXR400 project bike and it's available for bid until 10AM PST