Spatiotemporal dynamics, bioaccumulation, and critical influencing factors of antibiotics in tilapia aquaculture: A study on source identification and environmental fate within typical farming systems - ScienceDirect
Spatiotemporal dynamics, bioaccumulation, and critical influencing factors of antibiotics in tilapia aquaculture: A study on source identification and environmental fate within typical farming systems - ScienceDirect
Spatiotemporal dynamics, bioaccumulation, and critical influencing factors of antibiotics in tilapia aquaculture: A study on source identification and environmental fate within typical farming systems - ScienceDirect,Understanding and Applications of Tensors in Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of the Manas River Basin,Structure-property relationships of imperfect additively manufactured lattices based on triply periodic minimal surfaces - ScienceDirect,Antibiotics in the rice-crayfish rotation pattern: Occurrence, prioritization, and resistance risk - ScienceDirect,Understanding and Applications of Tensors in Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of the Manas River Basin