In Situ Observations Reveal the Five-fold Twin-Involved Growth of Gold Nanorods by Particle Attachment
In Situ Observations Reveal the Five-fold Twin-Involved Growth of Gold Nanorods by Particle Attachment,p53 and p63 Proteoforms Derived from Alternative Splicing Possess Differential Seroreactivity in Colorectal Cancer with Distinct Diagnostic Ability from the Canonical Proteins,Zymomonas mobilis as an emerging biotechnological chassis for the production of industrially relevant compounds | Bioresources and Bioprocessing | Full Text,Integrated substrate groove gap waveguide and application for filter design - Chen - 2021 - International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering - Wiley Online Library,The production of methyl mercaptan is the main odor source of chicken manure treated with a vertical aerobic fermenter - ScienceDirect