Question, these Sony ICB-88H Japanese CB radios only reach roughly 200 yards then cut of from eachother, it's transmitting in a not so built up area. I've put in 8x Kodak batteries
Question, these Sony ICB-88H Japanese CB radios only reach roughly 200 yards then cut of from eachother, it's transmitting in a not so built up area. I've put in 8x Kodak batteries
Question, these Sony ICB-88H Japanese CB radios only reach roughly 200 yards then cut of from eachother, it's transmitting in a not so built up area. I've put in 8x Kodak batteries,Yahoo!オークション -「sony icb-870t」の落札相場・落札価格,Yahoo!オークション -「sony icb-870t」の落札相場・落札価格,Yahoo!オークション -「icb-870」の落札相場・落札価格,トランシーバー SONY ICB-880 ソニー CB無線機 8ch 500mW 市民ラジオ - リサイクルショップ良品企画-買取実績